Rebecca Gardner
specialist speech & language therapist (neurology)
Rebecca graduated with a BSc in Speech Sciences from University College London in 2006 and has been working as a Speech and Language Therapist with adults with acquired communication and swallowing difficulties ever since. She has worked in acute medical wards and specialist inpatient neuro-rehabilitation centers as well as early supported stroke discharge teams and community rehabilitation for clients with both single event and progressive neurological conditions.
She has extensive experience providing assessment and goal-based intervention for a range of communication difficulties including aphasia, dysarthria and apraxia of speech as well neurological swallowing disorders. She has a specialist interest in cognitive communication impairments and working with clients and their friends and families.
She currently works as an independent therapist but also as a Neuro Navigator within the NHS, which makes her expect at providing specialist Speech and Language therapy but understanding the journey client’s have taken up to the point of therapy. She provides input that is bespoke and specialist but also embedded within the context of someone’s life and based centered on revealing competence and confidence in clients and those important to them.