Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programme (ICAP)
Linguistic Resolutions offer a unique and tailored Intensive Comprehensive Aphasia Programme (ICAP) designed and developed to help people with communication impairments caused by Aphasia.
Our ICAP programme offers high dose specialist therapy to our aphasia clients. Despite the strong evidence base and being the gold standard treatment for aphasia therapy – ICAPs are still fairly rare and are only offered in 3 other countries around the world.
We know that 100 hours of therapy in ICAP style (high dose in a set time frame) is better than 100 hours of therapy delivered in other ways (such as 1 or 2 sessions per week as per traditional outpatient / community services). ICAP is the best possible chance for recovery in aphasia. Clients are most likely to achieve goals in this scenario over other traditional routes of aphasia therapy.
ICAPs are an ideal model in which to treat a person with aphasia (PWA) to improve both cognitive-linguistic impairments, functional/everyday communication and psychosocial well-being. ICAPS must be:
Intensive: At least 3 hours of therapy per day of SLT for at least 2 weeks
Comprehensive: addressing a wide range of goals, incorporating multiple approaches to aphasia treatment including individual and group treatment, technology, education and many evidence-based therapy approaches to help people with aphasia improve and better participate in meaningful life activities.
The programme at Linguistic Resolutions is carried out by 4 very specialist Speech and Language Therapists – between us, we bring over 55 years of experience of Aphasia therapy to our clients.
Our ICAP programme includes:
Stage 1: Detailed Assessment and Formulation
Stage 2: Intensive Therapy working on Goals
Stage 3: Review, Ongoing Support and Outcome Measures
The results from our first cohort (Nov-Dec 20) are so exciting. We’d love to share our success stories with you so do get in touch if you would like more information about ICAP. Please keep an eye open for our webinar to talk about ICAP….
‘It’s really high quality intensive speech therapy, its something that everybody who had a stroke or a brain injury and aphasia deserves. It can be life transforming…………….and the best news is that Edwyn’s still got potential, 15 years down the line!’ Grace Maxwell.
‘I really enjoyed it and it taught me a lot………………Grace tells me that I’ve improved……Each level I’m improving Grace said, which is good to know’ Edwyn Collins
Referral Criteria:
Clients must:
Have a diagnosis of aphasia.
Be able to tolerate 3 hours of therapy everyday.
Have sufficient hearing, vision and memory to fully participate.
Be able to access and use a computer.
Be able to understand and follow some instructions.
Be able to say some words.
Have stamina and be motivated to work hard.
Be available 4 days a week for 6 weeks.
Have an identified family / friend to be able to join the Conversation Partner Training (CPT).
We’d be delighted to provide more information about the ICAP service, please feel free to contact us for more information.