Rebecca Francis


Rebecca is a Speech & Language Therapist with an MSc in Speech and Language Sciences awarded by University College London, and a BSc in Psychology.

She has a wide range of experience supporting both the communication and dysphagia needs of children and young people with acquired brain injuries and neurodisability with varying presentations including PDOC, PMLD, CP and complex needs. She has also supported children and young people who use both high and low tech AAC (alternative and augmentative communication) systems including direct access, eye-gaze, visual symbols and aided language displays.

In addition to this, Rebecca has strong multidisciplinary experience working with other allied health professions, and medical teams, as well as educational, nursing and care staff across a range of environments. She enjoys collaborating with other professionals in order to meet the needs of the children and young people she works with.

Prior to becoming an SLT, Rebecca worked in the capacity of Speech and Language therapy assistant within an Early Years NHS service. Alongside her studies, she also worked as a Rehab assistant for children and adults following an acquired brain injury.

Rebecca is passionate about working to support the communication and dysphagia needs of the children and young people she works with.